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Case Studies > CLI Dante Alighieri

The Oldest and Most Prestigious Italian Language School approaches TAG to
“Expand its Vision”

CLI Dante Alighieri, founded in 1966, is Italy's first private language school specializing in the instruction of Italian language and culture to foreigners. The directors of the Centro in Florence are Dr. Gabriella Accorti Materassi and Dr. Alberto Materassi. Husband and wife, they are the founders of the school and have been fully devoted to it throughout the years. Alberto, Gabriella, and their son Stefano Materassi are extremely attentive that high standards are maintained academically as well as in the organization of cultural and recreational activities.

After the events of September 11, 2001, CLIDA approached TAG looking for new markets to tap into as well as consolidating its management and organizational structure in an effort to maximize profit and to increase its brand visibility.

One of the greatest challenges TAG faced initially was organizing the exponential growth of the business. Major operations were still not automated. The company of was same management so the opportunities to see new growth potential was limited. Staff was overworked and competition from all sides threatened the survival of the business.

TAG’s first challenge was met by segmenting out all of the unique business operations and branding each business separately and strategically marketing each business to a unique market. The new brands became:

  1. – Italian language and cultural instruction for foreigners
  2. – Host institution for U.S. and North American Universities
  3. – Accredited language exams for placement in Italian Universities
  4. – On line book store

Branding all of the business separately but under the same umbrella as its original beginnings offered CLIDA greater visibility in its existing markets and created opportunities for its brand(s) in newer sects. The result was 33% growth in revenue and increased enrollment in 10 months.

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