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Tactical - Characterized by adroitness, ingenuity and skill TAG is a tool that teams your staff with a TAG International, Inc. project consultant on a unique partnership basis.

Through strategic and tactical planning, TAG International, Inc. helps companies meet objectives by translating strategy into effective execution. A process that results in matching delivery alternatives to product mix, profit margins, compensation plans, support capabilities, and organizational culture.

TAG's approach incorporates a tactical focus that helps your company implement its comprehensive Marketing and Management Strategy. Our process is to start with your strategy or design one, making sure it is clearly defined and consistent with the marketplace and your competition. This is followed by identifying target markets, product niches, and demographic profiles for each distribution channel. Any needed adjustments are made so that all the pieces of your plan reinforce each other and support your sales strategy.

The project team is made up of associates from both your company and TAG. This technique controls cost and expands the team's knowledge base, while increasing the generation of ideas that are right for your company.

© 2004 T.A.G. International Inc. | designed by: Joelle Belmonte