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TAG > Leadership

To fulfill our mission, TAG has assembled a leadership team of individuals with a significant amount of consulting experience at multi-national companies plus extensive industry experience. The latter, we believe, is crucial to drive consulting engagement economics. An international background offers experience buying consulting services, hands-on ownership of the balance sheet and a deep understanding of capital spending qualifications. Combined with pure consulting experience, our team possesses the broad skills to create practical consulting solutions focused on client capital return objectives.

TAG International, Inc. is comprised of veteran industry leaders with the experience, know-how and vision to chart the future of this firm and create business value for our clients. Our people, Each consulting experience is unique, as we custom-build dynamic teams to provide applicable, end-to-end solutions across the enterprise. This proven strategy has yielded breakthrough innovations, competitive advantages and knowledge leadership.

TAG International, Inc. is headquartered New York and has offices in Italy.

© 2004 T.A.G. International Inc. | designed by: Joelle Belmonte