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TAG > How We Do It

To transform a company, enhance business velocity, and capitalize on market opportunities in the third millennium, the mantra remains the same: strategy first. Our immediate goals for our clients are to:

  • Identify ways to drive sustained revenue growth and to improve customer responsiveness and relationship management
  • Maximize collaboration and gain sharing opportunities with business partners

TAG believes that strategy is the art and science of gaining and sustaining competitive advantage to outperform the market. In other words, it is about choices that lead to competitive advantage and above average, long-term returns on capital.

Within any challenging environment lies opportunity. While the competitive environment is indeed more challenging, the range and diversity of strategic options and choices has expanded. There are more degrees of freedom than ever before. Moreover, the increasing availability of information enables new insights into markets, competition and business performance that enable quicker response times and improved strategic choices. Thus, our services include:

  1. Strategic Planning
  2. Business Model Development
  3. Partnership & Alliances Strategy
  4. Competitive Strategy
  5. Market Entry Strategy
  6. Cost Reduction Strategy
  7. Best Practices and Benchmarking
  8. Customer Value Management
  9. Customer Segmentation
  10. Customer Value Analysis
  11. Customer Relationship Management Strategy
  12. Customer Relationship Optimization
  13. Product/Market/Channel Strategy
  14. Organizational Design and Restructuring
  15. Program Management
  16. Change Management
  17. Business Process Improvement

TAG International, Inc. has a clear vision of strategic market direction in our specific industries of focus. TAG International, Inc. provides a compelling alternative for strategy services in the marketplace today. Our strategy and operations improvement programs drive impressive results with demonstrated ROI typically achieved within one year of implementing suggested process and system modifications. We attribute this to the expertise of our consultants. Our consultants are entrusted to provide a measurable return on client consulting capital for a higher overalll return on investment.

© 2004 T.A.G. International Inc. | designed by: Joelle Belmonte