single governance model fits every organization. Our governance
consultants will work closely with your board members and
staff to determine your needs based on your mission, goals,
and stage in the organizational life cycle. Working with a
consultant brings a neutral facilitator and an objective perspective
to your board's deliberations.
Some of the ways that TAG International,
Inc. consultants can meet your needs include:
Customized Board Education Sessions
TAG International, Inc. consultants carefully assess the needs
of your organization and facilitate half-day or daylong educational
sessions for the board. Agendas and materials are specially
designed for your board and executive to focus on a specific
governance issue, and the consultant uses an array of techniques,
including presentations, case studies, and small- and full-group
discussions. Such sessions can be incorporated into regular
board meetings or scheduled as a special board training activity.
Retreats Spending time away
from the press of daily responsibilities and tasks will allow
your board to challenge assumptions, rethink systems, begin
a planning process, tackle difficult issues, forge camaraderie,
and improve performance. TAG International, Inc. consultants
facilitate these engaging
retreats with hands-on activities, team-building exercises,
small-group discussions, and opportunities for exploration,
while linking all activities to the your organization's strategic
challenges and goals.
TAG International, Inc. consultants help
clients to address and solve a variety of problems that boards
often encounter in governance of nonprofits. Some of
these issues include:
- Successful Working Relationships
- Identifying Emerging Trends in Nonprofit
- Creating Effective Nonprofit Board Structures
- Building and Maintaining a Successful Nonprofit
- Essential Nonprofit Board Responsibilities
- Assessing Board Performance
TAG International, Inc. Consultants are seasoned
professionals with diverse, international and accomplished
backgrounds. Our consultants have years of experience assisting
nonprofits from around the world with management issues. TAG
International, Inc. works in collaboration with international
and national organizations and individuals who support the
efforts of nonprofit organizations worldwide. Some ways that
your organization can work in collaboration with TAG International,
Inc. include:
- Participating in a TAG International, Inc.
training program
- Co-sponsoring regional, national, and international