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On Track with Educational Consulting

Global commitment, local delivery: A new integrated model that is producing results.

There’s a feeling here that we’ve definitely turned a corner, especially in terms of our new international consultancy – TAG international education consultancy services. TAG’s international education consultancy is a brand new business offering newer, cleaner, more consistent marketing and management strategies for international schools all over the world. TAG international education consultancy has now emerged as leading innovation and initiative in global education. “TAG educational consulting is on a trajectory that will soon have a huge impact on the international education network” – says founder, Titanya Hughes.

A Clear Strategy/Mission
TAG educational consultancy ( is the leading provider of training, support and consulting services designed to help international schools increase the number of student participants in their international language and study programs. Through the development, training and implementation of recruitment tools and top quality consulting services, we assist the international school in the successful recruitment of students, provide quality assurance programs to ensure students receive the best possible training and study abroad programs, and improve student services. TAG educational consultancy aims to achieve the highest level of professionalism and efficiency to help schools attract an international student base and expand into the international markets.

TAG educational consultancy will focus its attention on executing and delivering the finest marketing/management strategies in education for the benefit of the student participant who goes abroad. This will be the key to our business success in the future.

Competitive Advantage
TAG educational consultancy is being developed in response to an increasingly competitive global market for international education opportunities and study abroad programs. In response to the international markets needs for innovation, initiative and talent in delivering high-impact marketing solutions to help international schools attract more students, TAG educational consulting is developing an opt-in membership website providing seamless marketing solutions to the international education community.

Innovative and initiative
In 2004, TAG International, Inc. parent company of TAG educational consultancy took a fresh look at the market for international travel and education and began brainstorming solutions for international schools. As a result, it created TAG international educational consultancy services, Inc. The international community both practioners and students has enabled us to better coordinate our efforts across the globe and provide a fine example of what an improved and rich culture for international schools and programs.

Gaps in international and regional standards related to global and international studies lead many unanswered questions as to what international schools should focus on when presenting their school as an opportunity to host students and international programs. TAG international educational consultancy is an innovative tool that schools, faculty/staff, curriculum developers, administrators and educational agencies can use to develop and improve the work and culture of international study and educational communities. We invite all interested parties to use our tools to create an improvement in the programs and services you provide and allow the enhancement of the overall experience for students.

To contact us, visit us online at or email us at

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